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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Dislikes.

hey people. i'm gonna do a post on the things that we like and dont like. or rather, some of them that I personally, dislike. haha. in addition, things that i find absolutely ridiculous. lets start off the list.

1. Naming Contests
stupid naming contests like the one at Singapore Changi Airport's Budget Terminal that opend 2007. The question is "Are Singaporeans Lacking Creativity?" because it is ridiculous to have a NAMING competition for the BUDGET TERMINAL and the winner of this $25,000(i think) prize goes to the guy who names it "BUDGET TERMINAL". simply, how ridiculous. i'm not questioning the intelligence level of Singaporeans, but also the intelligence of the people who JUDGE. is it to be cynical? sarcastic? surely, to me, it is more than stupid.

2. MDA's Rating Board
Let's do a survey. How many of us realise that once reaching the age of 16, we find that all the movies are M18? well, compared to MPAA(America's Rating Board) i feel that MDA isn't that as bad. but i find it really pointless that they rate a movie NC16 just for violence, when some movies are rated NC16 for Sexual Innuendoes. Why is the government trying to control the people of the country so much? Aren't they promoting more familes, more children? Shouldn't that start from a younger age? Another survey, how many of us have NEVER seen a sexual scene before we really reached 16 years of age? probably a handful, but majority, no. See, these ratings are COMPLETELY useless. Its completely GROUNDLESS and POINTLESS!

1. Overrated, Misuse of words.
Not like Paris Hilton's "thats hot", but more like those words like "yo" whats with the street language YO?! i mean, singapore is a city, an ASIAN city. we dont have American cultures. why are youths speaking in such ways now? is it really the influence of the media in western countries? When such things arise, we start to question and blame. Are we losing our roots? just like how many of us cannot speak ur dialects? Words like "yo" when used too commonly is repulsive.

2. People at the ATM
Ever queued in the line to withdraw money for more than 10 minutes? I have. and trust me, it pisses you off. whats the hold up? its not like you need to double and triple check your account in case the cheque hasnt been banked in. Its not like you need to check your account balance 10 times! its not like you need to withdraw $500 in $10 notes?! Please, next time think of the people BEHIND you, be a kinder person!

3. Chinese New Year Songs
Ever found an irritable Chinese New Year song playing inside.....your HEAD because you heard it while shopping at Metro, Cold Storage, or while Nature calls in the loo? whats with these songs? its not like we're gonna sing along. a fraction of us don't even know how to speak mandarin! yes, i talked about culture. but don't you think that alike Christmas, they start playing these songs too early? I was stunned when i saw a Chinese written banner outside A|X. since when did Armani Exchange get owned by a chinese tycoon? in that case, lets throw away all our A|X clothes. it wont last a day.

4. Mahjong at Funerals.
Ever wondered why people play mahjong at a funeral? Ever came up with an answer to it? Neither. no, its not to ease stress, not to be compassionate for the late one. WHY?! why do people CELEBRATE at a FUNERAL?! i mean, stupid isnt it? i, on no grounds want anyone to be making noise with the shuffling of marble pieces of a table at MY funeral or my parents whatsoever. i think its simply RUDE.

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