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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Once A Good Girl Goes Bad...

hello strangers!

i'm probably doing one of my last updates for the month of March. Its been a tough month honestly. i'm kidding. its been lots of time for myself to get a breather or two. but of course, its been aching to receive my results and choose class. talking about a breather, i've got some pictures of my Hong Kong trip which i've not posted. so the pics in this post will be from HK! :D

Kicking it off, we have KFC. lol, i really didn't know there were different tag-phrases in different countries, because in Singapore, its "Finger Lickin' Good" right? Well i'm sure "Taste The Moment" would still do the zinger justice! yum yum!

Taken at H&M. If you really don't know what H&M is, you should really google it, like right now. :D

Haha, i put this picture below, for only one reason. Don't you just love my helmet.. :D

The two pictures below were taken at the Hong Kong Wetland Park. Something like Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve. it had rained, and it was in the morning. that equates awfully cold. so yeah.

MOVING on to other stuff.... I'm really disappointed with American Idol. And here's why:

After the premature departure of Alexis Grace, it left AI with 7 guys and 3 girls. Its getting really boring because the guys really aren't fantastic despite the judges' raving comments about them. I mean Adam has a good range, Anoop's boring, Matt's rather good, Michael sucks, Scott's boring and blind, Danny's getting complacent, and Kris is just cute. Then there are the ladies. Allison was the only one who sang well cuz Lil' and Megan (my favourite two) failed to impress. I'm just disappointed by them, AND America. And i'm sure Ellen is too. :S

NEXT! Let's give you a performance to watch. You know Rihanna has a wonderful and unique voice. And i've said before that she couldn't sing a good live version of "Disturbia" because its simply too difficult to do the runs and weird freaky stuff the song is supposed to translate.LOL. But she did her another favourite song of mine really well, and perfectly pitched and kinda scary when she does the eye thing, where she opens her eye bigger! Here's Rihanna with "Good Girl Gone Bad" on her world tour DVD: Good Girl Gone Bad, which is live in Manchester, UK.

Anyways,lets talk about America's Next Top Model Cycle 12. If you haven't been watching this season of ANTM, lets just show you the opening on the show. Its really impressive what Tyra did to them and changed them up to such 'couture-d' creatures for the opening. Just see what i mean:

Next on the list: Gossip Girl. This is getting plain boring as it is. However, i gotta say i'm still waiting the return of Georgina Sparks. :D I'm sure she'll appear somewhere. This time, to Serena's liking, perhaps. Anyways, the next episode's just as scandalous. Watch the trailer below:

And finally(my last video!), a song that i've been jiving to quite a lot. James Morrison sang this song as a duet with Nelly Furtado. Entitled "Broken Strings", this song's really wonderful because it tells a story. I won't say what i means to me, but what does it mean to YOU. find out by watching the Official Video (because Nelly didn't sing live with James...........) Do enjoy!:

With that, i hope you enjoyed this post full of really, haphazard nonsense. :D catch you guys soon, and have a fantastic March!


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