first post for the month of November, and already we've past the third day. Well, school has started again, and tutorials have been yet, a chore. With law, statistics and macroeconomics tutorials to do, i'm simply driven up the wall, crazy. And yet, we have DSS(Excel) work to do, to which i diligently devoted to the whole of my precious sunday to complete, but nevertheless, failed to do so. Yes, what's new...
Below is a picture of your very like-able card symbols. yes, the spade, club, heart and diamond. With some electric "thing" around it. Well, this is actually Kirlian Photography. Its really interesting because the picture was taken at extremely high voltage and it seemed to emit an aura. They say that when 2 people are TRULY in love, and you take a Kirlian photograph 20 minutes into a conversation, you'd see a shade of pink around them! interesting eh?

anyways, i wana rant about stupid online shows. Well, i watch online shows that are currently showing in US. for example, ANTM and Gossip Girl. Another would be Knight Rider. there are 5 in total, and i'm really annoyed sometimes that they dont come up. Well, to be truthful, i have no right to be. but lets take it from a one sided view. don't you get annoyed if you dont get your daily income?! yeahhh. i thought so.
Right, i'm gonna get my hair cut. time to shush all those people with "your hair is too long" or those with "i like your previous hairstyle" because its still gonna be long. like it or not. :D with that, i conclude my directionless post, HERE!
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