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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Emancipate Innaugural Emotions.

Hey darlings.

its been a while since i have last blogged. and i shall do a whole array of updates today. and if you have laid eyes on the picture below, you would realize that it looks like Red Alert 2. yes. It is. and the one below is actually the newest installment that would be released tomorrow! which also happens to be Deepavali!!! :D Red Alert 3 COMES OUT TOMORROW! ummmm, yeah i used to play RA2 and CS back in primary school. YES, I DID............. RA2 was released in 2001, and then i happened to miss out on games like DOTA. Anyway, do the comparison of the graphics and coolness. heh! :D

oh, i heard that in RA3, they put a lot of focus on naval units? like you can practically build anything in the sea. cool eh? lol. 

Firstly, let me leave you with a song by Shontelle. Shontelle is a Barbados singer, and lets hope she has the same success as Rihanna had, because her first two singles are amazing! "T-Shirt" and "Battle Cry" carry different vibes, but still groove-able. Here's "Battle Cry" AND "T-Shirt" on youtube for you! 


And then comes these group of super random pictures that happened to have been taken in the Ambassador's Room with obviously the ambassadors. Jasmine and Benedict are in them. we were being so ever retarded taking self shots, hence, the products of queerness. HAHA! look at my eyes in the pic below! LOL!

I really like the picture below. not only the effect, but we all look so happy amidst the knowledge that SCHOOL HAS STARTED!!! gahhhhs! The horror of school!! ahhhhh! Okay, Whatever. And since i'm talking about Ambassadors, RED Camp 5 is coming up soon! hope that all sec4 students have signed up! 19-21st November, which is only about 22 days away i think. i didnt count! hahahaha. 

Ahhh, since i've been so boring, i decided to leave you with a short snippet of The Noose! yes, the local serial which i personally feel has been the best sitcom ever done by Mediacorp. i have to applaud Michelle Chong for her versatility in playing a hostess, a brand-whored Barbarella, a maid, a principal, a mother, an auntie, and many more roles. In this video, she plays a mother who is so concerned. do watch! it may not quirk you into laughter, but it surely would put a smile on that face of yours! :D

Alrights! Some news about entertainers. Paris Hilton is ready to release her new single, "Paris For President". Yes, its presumably quite blonde.pun intended, heh. and Christina Aguilera is ready to release her new video for "Keeps Gettin' Better", and below is one of the pictures from her shoot. i absolutely LOVE Christina for how she keeps re-inventing herself. she's truly amazing. :D

And lastly, but not the very least, here's a picture of me so that you're sure i havent got a zit breakout yet! =X oh, please dont go cursing me now! haha. anyways, i just HAD to include a picture of myself okay! i stayed up till 5am today to complete my DSS aka. Excel work that needed to be passed up tomorrow. 4 hours for 2 pages. *rolls eyes* OMFG.

Its about time i end my very lengthy and directionless post. i just wana say that double crossing is something obviously wrong. Practice what you preach, do what you want others to do back to you. If you get warned and become deliberately ignorant, you're in dire need of an attitude shaking. WAKE UP!! the world's not gonna grovel and mourn that your existence has ceased. We're gonna move on from you, as how life draws us forward. DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE TO. you've heard this more than i need to reiterate. Don't wait for what you have to be lost, because it would NEVER EVER come back. If it does? It would NEVER be the same. 

I always told myself. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. Be content with what you have, and leave the past to be the past. As a friend told me: let bygones be bygones. I have always been there for you. ALWAYS. 

with that, i end my post here. With only 9 posts in October thus far, my blog is far from alive.


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