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Monday, October 20, 2008

Light Falls Undown.

The song: A House Is Not A Home. It reminds me oddly of how i feel toward families being functional. Statistics proven, studies done - 90% of all families are dysfunctional. Sometimes i think that i am so very fortunate to have such a good family. Despite the umpteen disadvantages i've been posed with, making the best of it is the only thing i can do. Sometimes being positive in life really works wonders for yourself. Its whether you bear to bow down that ego of yours...

I have decided to blog about this after reading Ernest's blog. Sheltered, we really are. Personally, i know many of my friends who have that silver spoon, never before have they seen the real world and its dangers. Doing things without pondering over, never worrying about the consequences of their actions. Within this safe harbour meticulously built by our forefather, we needn't worry about gun, crimes or even murders. Singapore is one of the safest places on earth, thanks to the thousands of ridiculous laws. And confining yourself with a mentality that you'd stay here forever is simply childish and too fairy-tale-like. With so much protection provided by the government, its ironic how our society still stands so prominently in the world. 

I've always said that my current generation is socially handicapped. With little conversational and social skills because of the pampering that we've adopted, with the "crying to parents" reflex; youths become over-reliant on the government with great expectancy, as they age into adulthood. Complacency, that of a welfare society also adds this value flaunted verbally, and on its surface on many teenagers. I would like to say that we are very similar to Ostriches. Yes blonde's, the bird that buries its head in the sand. However, because of how we have such queer characteristics and combinations such as a world-class tourist hub, yet our service industry isn't flourishing; i really think that we're more like flamingo's that copy ostriches. Holding our heads high with no substance. We're merely..."rojak" i would say. An odd combination. 

Sometimes i ask myself what does our nation portray to foreigners when the word "Singaporean" gets conjured. Singlish - the "language" we're proud of? Perhaps its the 2 Integrated Resorts, casino hub maybe? Lets be more positive with things like Education hub? But does it really matter? We're gonna impact the world. Our market is global not domestic. We're gonna go to USA, Australia, UK and we're gonna work THERE, where we're not sheltered. We're gonna do things independently. We're not gonna have penalties on drug possession. We're not gonna have such strict laws. We might as well start learning things from young, not to do it rather than be so innocently blown over when we're 28. 

All said and done, i guess we're only left with time that would shake them up. Lets hope that my friends would become more urgent about their lives. This life we live in is like a time bomb waiting to explode. Until it explodes, we're only left to hone ourselves for the future. And when it does? we'll realize that we're on our own. I hope this makes sense. 

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