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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kiss It Away.

Come what may, i'll kiss it away. Sarah Corner brought you the single "Bounce" a few years ago, and here she is with "I'll Kiss It Away", which actually about her baby. well, literally. because i felt that it brought a totally different message when i actually saw her music video. anyways, here it is. in many aspect more than one.

above. lol. this picture of me looks awfully mad at something. well, duh it was posed hence it looked a bit...fake.(actually, i look pissed at first, but stare longer. i look more sad than pissed. :S)  LOL! but i'm still doing fine. not dead due to starvation yet. oh well. i dont know why i really wanted to do this entry, at this hour. but i just felt like i had to blog. like something in me just needed to break free. release. relinquish?

back in secondary school, when we took Macbeth in literature, there was a phrase: confusion now hath made his masterpiece. i'm not going to break it down for you. but just ponder on how complex a person can be. and to what degree of damage the outcome could possibly be.

just blow, just go.
just fly, just cry.
no fights, no chides?
no rights and no sides.

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