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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cold, Cold, Winter.

when you feel so cold. when you feel so insecure. when you feel so empty. when you feel so dead. when you feel so rejected. when you are so uninterested. when you're so unhappy. when you are so nonchalant.

do you ever get these sea of emotions that deluge, overflowing your cup once in a while? have you ever felt that your reason for living is that you dont have one? and that you should perish just to see the reactions of others? STOP IMAGINING PLEASE. life wont kill you for the sake of doing so.

Like the lecturer said. Murphy's Law. If anything can go wrong, it will. i dont know why it was related to business management, because my lecture was uber boring. still, it applies so why be so negative? if it does, it will! there's no point crying over spilt milk, sobbing away like an immature imp.

okay. i'm getting a bit over-reactive. probably because i injured my foot just now. kicked it against my bed frame. HOW DUMB. DONT AGREE WITH ME......anyhoots. i shall end off here. nothing left to say. I LOVE ASHLEE SIMPSON'S NEW ALBUM! ((:

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