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Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Matter.

As my ears picked up those hushed voices,
the undertones led me on.
The thinker arose and took lead.
An ending i will never know, myself.

hello loves!
today has been a rather simple yet fulfilling day. hah. i dyed my hair ash brown. its actually pretty nice. (: beats the long highlights which look like barcodes on an ugly draped head full of hair. so anyways. i like my colour now.

many things have been happening recently. life swirls at fast rates. good things. bad things. sad ones, joyous endings too. always remember, everything happens for a reason. things will turn better for you. what goes up, will come down and what comes down, will go up. hang in there. don't be defeated because of the mere happening to you. you will be fine. (:

School is starting soon. i don't really look forward to it. i'm feeling lazy. i'm SO not in the mood to make new friends in masses yet. i still feel jaded. i still feel a bit lost. unsure of what i'm doing on my own. arghh. anyways. 9 more days. faculty camp lasts from 9th-11th. am so looking foward dreading it. waste of time with everyone around me. maybe i should just got for like 1 day. lol.

Speech day comes too! hah. this one, i'm looking forward to it. i miss all my friends in school. ((: anyways. this post is slightly meaningless, but i hope it changes someone's mentality at least. lol. thank you for reading.

lots and lots of love!!

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