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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dior, Chanel, Prada.

Brand consciousness!! its something that many of us conform to. well. honestly speaking, branded goods aren't always good in quality. and its not entirely bad to be brand conscious. unless you get controlled by it luh! but i just felt like talking about some stuff about them today. i mean, everyone has done this post at least once (okay, at least those who go for brands). well. sometimes, as singaporeans especially, we cheapen things. really, i'm not exaggerating or pin-pointing fingers at anyone. but who would wear a dri-fit tee with prada shoes? okay. thats extreme. but somehow, singaporeans arent always good at dressing up. if you arent sure, dont do it. dont be bold! but no.... they just simply pick any pair of shoes and a simply ugly berms and wear an agnes b top. yikes no? well. thats what i saw. and it was awkward. anyways. this is why the title of this post are 3 branded names. 2 of which are....for women exclusively. moving on..

okay. my sensible topic wasnt the above btw. lol. it is supposed to be something else. hah. anyways. camp is soon. a few hours. and my throat persists to be a pain. stubborn as hell. i also do have this nauseated feeling once in a while. like i wana puke? sigh. i think i'm dying. LOL. nahh. kidding. when i die, the world would surely know about it. because everyone would notice my absence. HAH. what bullcrap. heh. anyhoots. i wont be blogging for a while i guess? unless i somehow miraculously access Internet there. heh.

Lona celebrated her birthday at Seoul Garden yesterday. it was good. missed being with her and all. Sara was there too. laughed my as* off with her. hah. I MISS SARA! and obviously LONA! (: anyhows. we should meet up one day alright! ha. anyways. uploaded a pic of East Coast below. had fun 2 days ago. yep. (: so i shalt end this where it is. (:

bittersweet lullaby
passing paranoid period.

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