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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tedious Translations.

ever looked down a road and wondered where it would take you to? ever wondered where you'd end up after all the pain and trouble you went through? and when the circumstances change, will it still lead you to the same destination?

school today sucked. 4 hours of management lessons,again. thank goodness i left halfway during lecture. (: went to the canteen to eat. heh. oh well, i'll just diligently read the lecture slides given over MeL sometime. afterall, it doesnt really make a huge difference attending and not attending lecture for this module. really.

tomorrow's a long long day. i'm so not looking forward to it. but oh well. i downloaded a few songs over the last few days. some really nice. (: i'll blog about them here tomorrow. i'm getting tired as it is now. so yeaps. thats all for today!

lotsa love!

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