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Monday, June 30, 2008

Loving Me Right.

Love. that common word we hear. that common word we use. what IS love? when does love really exist? under what circumstances are we considered loving? are there restrictions to love? are there prerequisites, criteria to be met? can you answer these? well, think about it now if you cant.

of all topics, i chose love. of all things i talked about this stereotyped feminine topic which conjures up images of romance and sex what not. but really. what does a relationship encompass? is it just the people in it? or the happiness they have with each other, including the joy and ease they feel? or is it the occasional meetings and countless phone conversations with trust already provided before it all? or perhaps, its just the people in it that murmur those sweet nothings which make it seem so strong and loving. what is yours?
my personal idea of love isnt at all complicated. my idea of love is really simple. being happy together whereby both people provide and are there for each other no matter, whatever, whenever and forever. its about them. its not about the people around. its not about how they wana be more dominant in it. its not how they pose themselves as the best for each other. but its when they are there for each other without exceptions. and it is understood that trust is functional without mention.

i once heard. Love is being the best you can, for that very particular person. its being the best you can be just for them. are you loving right? are you loving differently? if your boyfriends or girlfriends were to disappoint you by insulting you, will you get offended and get angry? or will you be more disappointed? if you were to go home today and get a phone call that your very special someone met an accident, would you breakdown and cry for them? or would you go to the hospital to share the pain with them? there arent no wrong or right. just ask yourself which you'd do.
i never expect much from it. i never expect a relationship to last for 10 years and finally, you get married and live happily. that isnt a fairytale. no, i dont believe in fairy-tales either. they were meant to feed innocent minds with joy and happiness. our world isnt so kind. betrayal, cheating, racism, sexism, ageism, vile deeds are committed daily. we are a cursed bunch. so why do more hurt to the person you love? why give them such a hard time when you can love them happily. strive for it, dont be it. there arent no fairy-tales, but make it one, you can.

its only if you're willing to take that very first step, to sacrifice a bit of yourself and how you are, to change - for your loved one. knowing full well that being with them is a big risk you'd take to be happy and content to be with. if thats not love, what really is?
looking back at what i've done, what i've said, what i've gone through. i hope for more out of it. but all i can do, is learn from it. make the best of what i have now, apply it into my life. making my love more worth it. being there for the special someone, for as long as i can.

but i did say this before. you never do really know what happens. so treasure what you have now. treasure your loved ones. love is kind, and understanding, patient and warm. be all that you can be to that very special people in your life. things like this comes only once in a lifetime. seize what you have now. please.
LOVE me, for who I am.

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