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Thursday, July 31, 2008

All About Forgiveness.

Hello dear readers.
the picture above was chosen due to the fact that i wanted to show perfection and imperfection. sometimes, we love another not because they're so perfect. we love them for how imperfect they are. and in fact, thinking about it on a deeper scale, it is their imperfections that make them what you'd be looking for - "perfect". perfection isnt possible, but a step nearer is a step towards being better. like the many shards of rocks, which make up the imperfection on micro, at a macro scale, its art and beauty, period.

ahhh, a thursday, which marks the end of the month. ahh, July! this month has held many happy moments, many heart-racing situations and many a sad one too. but all in all, its been a month of growing and being wiser. its been a month that taught me how to stand up on my feet. well, i hope that this doesnt go down the drain as August comes. the following month is gonna be stressful i know. but always look at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. (:
and as i end this month with a closing note, listening to Leona singing "Here I Am", a certain sadness evolves in me. but upon hesitating, it aint sadness. its more of dissatisfaction and discontent. perhaps i expected more.. perhaps i wanted to see something else instead. but all the pieces down, who am i to judge? who am i to change the way the world is...
today was business communication presentation! for a second, i kinda screwed it up big time. really. :S sigh. anyways, here are a few pictures we took! (: ahhh, the last of my presentations. now, its time to mug. with little time on my hands, i'm starting to panic. :S oh, whats the point of panicking when you turn about in circles and do nothing, right?
aye, this post has come to a close, and this is where i'd choose to place a song. or rather, a video. This is Sara Evans with an old song back in 2001. entitled "Saints & Angels", this song is wonderful. i really like it. (: hah. so here it is!:

alrights. that is all for today! and i'll see you next month!! (:

F: 31.07 - 518
B: 1310

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