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Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Higher Ground.

hey people!
saturday! haha. today's church day. i know that recently, i've grown more in love with God. i've committed myself to the church even more. no, not because i was forced to. but because i have a hunger for Him. and its something that i desire. sometimes, people ask me why i have so many problems still, even with God around. Let me tell you this. God never promised that our life will be perfect. But he promises that in our darkness, we can lean on Him. that we can cry out to Him and He will give us refuge. He said that even though we walk through the valley of death, we wont be afraid. though we may walk on water, we wont sink. so yeah!! thats why i believe that our problems are just a phase of life. its not a stumbling block. and thats why i will never ever give up my life. its because i know that this life on earth is only a passing phase. that He has so much in store for me.

anyways. today is RYAN ANG'S BIRTHDAY! okay. i dont really have many friends who are named Ryan, but there are a few. anyways, RYAN! you're 17 now boy. time to grow up. lol. nahh. i'm glad that you're doing fine in CJC. add some oil in studies okay! O's and A's are completely different. but i wana wish you the best in everything you do anyways! may happiness go with you for the year ahead. (: haha.

today's random song is......What's Left Of Me by Nick Lachey. i've always loved this song so so so much. i love to sing to it. its just so representative of my feelings many a times. so, here's the song:

Nick Lachey - What's Left Of Me.

happiness doesnt flood me in a deluge. but occasionally it knocks at my door. asking for me to let it in. happiness, its one thing. sadness on the other hand, takes the upper hand. frequently, overwhelms me. and the feeling of anguish enters and sears through your heart. a yearn for more. a yearn for happiness as it tasted so sweet, so loving. but that dream will only be a cloud away. not everything comes twice. like band 1 students used to say, carpe diem. which means, seize the day doesnt it? seize the opportunity. treasure the ones you're with now. if you dont feel anything, try listening to Hero(song is posted in the previous post) and read the paragraph again. (:

alrights. gotta get ready for church. its 1.38 now. and i shalt leave. hope the cg mingles well. that everyone is happy. hope that there is growth and an understanding of love and concern amongst us. (: oaky till then

lotsa love!

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