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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Imperfection When Perfect.

hey loves.

Shanin said my blog is like my life journal. indeed it is. its like a whole account of my life. hah. whether that is good or not, i leave it up to you to decide. anyhoots. i caught Vantage Point like finally. lol. everytime it "rewound" people kept LAUGHING. typical singaporeans. there was one guy that resounded "funny meh". which is true. it wasnt really funny at all. lol. anyways. its an awesome movie. love it.

right. went to ACJC's funfair thingy. is it still called fun-o-rama? hmm. anyways. met a lot of people. like a LOT. and many people whose faces i couldnt put a name to. lol. well, technically, they couldnt even remember me cuz they didnt glance back at me. LOL. right. this is kinda random. but lets move on. lol.

watched like 5 episodes of ANTM Cycle 10 already. so hot uhh! haha. everyone should like totally start watching this cycle online or something. anyways. Weijin is leaving next week. school's starting in 2 weeks. life is reaching a point where its almost impossible to feel yourself in your own shoes anymore. its moving so fast. things just swirl past in a blur.

about my last entry, i dont know what is going on. confused. its not very important anyways. i'll figure it out somehow. (: hah. actually, thats all i have to say today. i'm kinda jaded again. gosh. right. take care people!

lotsa love.

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